Mapping a Route to an Unknown Destination

If there is anything I have learnt lately, it is to not overthink and overanalyse but to keep moving forward.  There are enough inspirational stories out there of people going well out of their comfort zones in their advanced years and finding a whole new zeal for life. I may not have any awesome aspirationsContinue reading “Mapping a Route to an Unknown Destination”

A New Perspective on the Old

I’m writing today knowing that there is heaviness in many people’s hearts, not just about Christmas being cancelled, or 2020, but about so much beyond. To be honest, although the months and years are obvious markers of the movement of time, I feel we should not get too fixated about measuring life against them.  IContinue reading “A New Perspective on the Old”

A Eulogy for 2020

By now, we all know it is simply impossible to talk about 2020 without mentioning ‘COVID-19’ or ‘coronavirus’.  These two words have become synonyms for this year.  It has been a time of unprecedented grief, anxiety and loneliness for many people worldwide: the loss of loved ones, loss of jobs, loss of homes…   Need IContinue reading “A Eulogy for 2020”

Who’s Watching Me?

Every time I put a new post up on my site, I wonder which inadvertent stranger will stumble across my musings and either nod in approval or shake their head in despair.  I cannot help but be curious when I see how far and wide the readers are located.  They have stretched from Canada toContinue reading “Who’s Watching Me?”