To Give is To Receive

A message which can never be overstated. Despite the financial struggles many of us are facing, the principle of giving should always continue….and before anyone secretly, or openly, thinks I must have lost my mind at a time when we are all thinking of protecting the self, I would like to qualify my statement. YouContinue reading “To Give is To Receive”

The Runaway Bandwagon

It seems that one of the most prolific results of the Covid pandemic is the unprecedented rise in people suffering from mental health issues. Not surprising given the wildly different and bizarre circumstances many people worldwide found themselves in. Today, in a world which has been shaken by the pandemic and is still reeling fromContinue reading “The Runaway Bandwagon”

Home is Where…?

I return here today after a hiatus of two weeks. It’s been an interesting time away; I’ve managed to fulfil one of my life’s ambitions which is to be somewhere else in the world on behalf of a charity and helping those less fortunate than me and in desperate situations. My recent trip found meContinue reading “Home is Where…?”