The Blame Game

This title needs no introduction.  At some point in our lives, we have had encounters or relationships with people and somewhere along the line, they have let us down.  Disappointment in others is part and parcel of life.  Finding perfection in others is an ever-elusive goal.  To be honest, who are we to seek perfectionContinue reading “The Blame Game”

Blessings Are a Test Too

We all know the need to bear patience when things don’t go to plan.  Our plan.  How many times have we heard someone give that timeless advice to keep positive, understand that when things go seemingly wrong, it’s Allah’s way of testing us to remain calm?  We need to put our wholehearted trust in Him. Continue reading “Blessings Are a Test Too”

From Confusion to Fusion

Occasionally, I look back on random posts I have written over the past year and ask myself how much I have healed since my divorce. Why, after five years, have I not completely buried the past and moved on? Why do I sometimes rant about the past when I know deep within that I amContinue reading “From Confusion to Fusion”