A Bird Out of a Tree

OK, I know.  So what’s the title about this time? Lately, I have been feeling restless. Like a bird, I want to fly and take off somewhere and try something new.  Migration. The economy isn’t looking good, life is becoming expensive and like everyone else, I am feeling squeezed financially.  But it’s not just moneyContinue reading “A Bird Out of a Tree”

Twenty-One Years a Mother

Alhamdulillah.  For everything.  Today, my oldest sons are on the cusp of completing twenty one years, inshaAllah. Whilst a big deal is made in Western culture of reaching a 21st birthday, I don’t celebrate them as such but I do acknowledge that a year is another milestone reached.  How could I not when I amContinue reading “Twenty-One Years a Mother”

The Funny Thing about Laughter

Today, I want to express a few words regarding this ambiguous thing called ‘ a sense of humour’.  Not everyone has the same definition of it but, for the most part, I’m sure people would agree it’s about having the ability to laugh.  In doing so, we let go of stresses especially when there’s aContinue reading “The Funny Thing about Laughter”

Conversations with My Mother

In conversations with my octogenarian mother, I find I have to often bite my tongue and remind myself that not only is she my mother but also the product of another generation. Since I’ve been divorced, she has countless times lamented the fact that I am now on my own.  She worries about my futureContinue reading “Conversations with My Mother”