…and then comes Ramadan

In recent weeks, months and dare I say years, I have reiterated privately and publicly about how I feel Allah has shown me an alternative version of happiness. Perhaps ‘happiness’ isn’t even the right word. Perhaps I should say, ‘contentment’. Because happiness implies a constant state of feeling positive and the reality is, nobody canContinue reading “…and then comes Ramadan”

A Week of Work

This is an appropriate time to reflect and assess how I got on this past week in my new part-time job. One thing I promised myself was that work was not going to consume my life. So far, so good. Being a part-time role, I know that is a huge factor in allowing me toContinue reading “A Week of Work”

The Hypnosis of Iceland

Today’s submission to my personal blog site is a reflection on my short trip to Iceland with my niece and from which I have returned. Alhamdulillah, it was the perfect precursor to a new job which I am due to start tomorrow. Admittedly, I was a little anxious before going away given the financial strainContinue reading “The Hypnosis of Iceland”

Up, Up and Away

It might seem like a totally reckless thing to do but I am planning to escape for a short break to Iceland very soon. I am so tired of routine and the relentless pressure of managing money. I am determined to take control of it before it takes control of me. Therefore, although it mightContinue reading “Up, Up and Away”