To Give is To Receive

Instead of waiting for someone else to bring joy to my life, I’ve learnt that I can bring joy to my life all by myself. Sounds a little conceited, I know. However, the formula is far from one which is steeped in arrogance and self-acclaim. I have been around long enough in this world toContinue reading “To Give is To Receive”

A Work in Progress

As I settle into my daytime job, I realise that one of the things I relish most in life is meeting and existing alongside people. Of course, not just random or irrelevant people but in a context where I am building relationships with others who are, more often than not, so different from me. IContinue reading “A Work in Progress”

Celebrating Life

Yesterday was my birthday. Unlike many people, especially the young generation, who would like to mark the day with parties and presents, I chose to keep it much more subdued. Instead, my sons and I had a day out in central London walking through different parks and then enjoyed a lovely Lebanese meal in oneContinue reading “Celebrating Life”

Two Years After Snowdon

Tomorrow will mark the second anniversary of that epiphanous day: the climb up Mount Snowdon, 7 August 2021. The memory of it is still etched deeply into my mind and into my outlook on life forever more. I am grateful for that experience because it proved to me so much about myself that I hadContinue reading “Two Years After Snowdon”