The Catapult Effect

It’s a known fact that parenting does not come with its own handbook.  There are no hard and fast rules about how to raise your children.  There is also no single approach to this daunting task and that’s true whether you are working from within cultural, societal or religious boundaries or not.  For the mostContinue reading “The Catapult Effect”

40+ years and a Cup of Coffee

This is one of those blogs where I am simply going to write as the thoughts come to my mind, minus the typos inshaAllah. Today, I met up with a school friend from my childhood after 41 years! Over a cup of coffee, we settled in our seats ready to enlighten the other about ourContinue reading “40+ years and a Cup of Coffee”

Health (& Humility) = Wealth

We all know too well that when we are not feeling at our finest, in terms of physical health, everything else pales into insignificance.  All the intangible aspects of our being, our pride, our social status, our academic learning etc., suddenly seem so inconsequential when faced with physical challenges that inhibit our very existence. ToContinue reading “Health (& Humility) = Wealth”

No More IOUs

When you’re starting out on your own again after divorce, it’s almost impossible not to call on the help of others.  There’s no shame in doing that.  Be it money, food or someone to talk to, all these collective forms of help are our lifeline of hope in those dark days when we are stillContinue reading “No More IOUs”

Questioning those who Question

Before, during and since my boys went off to university, I have had people ask me how I feel knowing they are no longer with me.  There have been occasions where I know the questions are not simply about me missing them.  I feel that underlying the questions are preconceived notions of what can beContinue reading “Questioning those who Question”