It’s not Just the Kids Taking Flight

I am at that point in my life where the family nest is slowly emptying out.  The boys are flourishing into young men and I am watching them reach each pending milestone. Ah, to be young and carefree again!  I am excited for them almost as they are.  I see their eager anticipation to graspContinue reading “It’s not Just the Kids Taking Flight”

Me, Myself and I

Narcissist? Megalomaniac? Egoist?  The very mention of the phrase, “me, myself and I,” suggests self-indulgence and a kind of selfishness at the expense of everyone else.  As a mother constantly in the driver’s seat of life, steering my children through their academic, emotional and spiritual journeys, I know it is not only recommended to takeContinue reading “Me, Myself and I”

Time Flies When You’re Being Mum

The last four years have seemed like ten.  Not because they have dragged, no.  In fact, quite the opposite, Alhamdulillah.  Together with my children, I have witnessed many milestones in their lives.    I could list those achievements here but I prefer to keep them to myself.  Suffice to say, they have evolved into youngContinue reading “Time Flies When You’re Being Mum”

And the Winner is…..

OK, so you’re probably expecting me to announce here that Joe Biden has been declared the successor to the White House.  Whilst the world’s attention has been focused on a contest that has been played out on the world’s stage, I’m not here to discuss politics.  My announcement about winning is of a much moreContinue reading “And the Winner is…..”

A Letter to my Former Self

Dear Broken Wings, Assalaamu Alaikum. Peace be upon you. Yes, Peace with a capital ‘P’. I know you can’t even begin to fathom how that word will return to your world but return it will, insha’Allah. One day, you will begin to see it for yourself. I will say, “I told you so.” Be strong.Continue reading “A Letter to my Former Self”