My Child, My Teacher

In the last few years, I have found that being surrounded by young people, namely my sons, has been a blessing that even I can’t begin to appreciate fully. Although right now they are away from home (minus my youngest), Alhamdulillah, we keep in touch through video and phone calls.  The support that this regularContinue reading “My Child, My Teacher”

Marriage Wows

…at least it does for some. A friend of mine recently asked if I was cynical about marriage given my own didn’t last its course.  I had to think for a moment.  Was I?  Do I look upon the idea of marriage as something not worth pursuing?  Do all marriages come apart at the seamsContinue reading “Marriage Wows”

The Dichotomy Women Face

There’s not denial that the rate of divorce has reached unprecedented levels in modern times.  An average of one in three marriages never make it to “death us do part”.  A sobering thought. Even more interesting is that this is not a Western phenomenon.  It is a sad fate that is familiar to those inContinue reading “The Dichotomy Women Face”

The Company You Keep

Sometimes we all get a little distracted with life and its highs and lows – especially the lows. The stresses we face can force us unexpectedly and relentlessly down a twisting flume whilst we hang on desperately trying to catch our breath.  But even then, after all the twists and turns, we are more oftenContinue reading “The Company You Keep”