Backward and Forward

I’m at that stage of life where I find my emotions oscillating between a curious mixture of hopeful excitement for my own sons vis-a-vis quiet acceptance of my own uneventful future. Of course, I know that hope and excitement isn’t the exclusive rights of the younger generation. Those in my age group have every rightContinue reading “Backward and Forward”

Welcoming in Spring

This winter has perhaps been the longest I have ever experienced. I know I’m not alone in that thought as several others have also mentioned how, for some inexplicable reason, winter has dragged her feet this time round. During this cold season, I succumbed to sickness, which for me is quite unusual, Alhamdulillah. It’s beenContinue reading “Welcoming in Spring”

Taking it Slow

Recently, I have been under the weather and have been blighted with a lingering chesty cough since mid-January. I even needed to take a few days off work which is something I don’t usually do. So, this bout of sickness has really taken the wind out of my sails. Although I was not confined to myContinue reading “Taking it Slow”

Mi Nueva Aventura

In the quest to keep moving forward and try to squeeze what I can out of life, I have very recently taken on a new challenge. The title of this blog post might provide a huge hint! My new adventure – learning Spanish. I never got the opportunity to study a foreign language at school as,Continue reading “Mi Nueva Aventura”