The Flotsam and Jetsam of a Post-Divorce Life

As a blogger, I always write with the intention that someone out there, particularly a woman who has gone through a similar experience to me, will hopefully stumble across my musings and take comfort from knowing that she isn’t the only one feeling what she does. From speaking to friends, I know that my writingContinue reading “The Flotsam and Jetsam of a Post-Divorce Life”

25 Years Without a TV

This is not a call for a pity party. It is not even meant to be a lament. It is simply a statement of fact. I recently succumbed to the purchase of a TV after so many years and yet I had resisted having one for different reasons. The main justification for this decision hasContinue reading “25 Years Without a TV”

A Year On from Snowdon

7 August 2021. An unforgettable day in my life. I accomplished something I had never even dreamt of doing…climbing Mount Snowdon. Exactly one year on and in my mind, I have often returned to that moment when I was descending the mountain with my troupe and suddenly realised the enormity of what I had justContinue reading “A Year On from Snowdon”