Wise Counsel

With a title like that, one would be forgiven for thinking of a few examples of people who would fall into that esteemed category: mother, father, grandparents, teachers, religious figures and perhaps older people generally. However, I want to challenge that preconception and argue that wise counsel might also be found in the places weContinue reading “Wise Counsel”

The Lighthouse

Recently, a good friend of mine generously described me as ‘The Lighthouse’. I was genuinely touched by the accolade. My goal in life is not to fish for compliments but my goal in life is to be in the service of others. I don’t mean in the form of a sycophantic deference to another humanContinue reading “The Lighthouse”

Positive With Covid

Last week, I ended on the note saying, “Alhamdulillah“. Today, I return and again I start with where I ended. Alhamdulillah. I am in the throes of Covid along with my sons. We have all finally succumbed to this stubborn viral infection and none of us have escaped it this time. So why the gratitude?Continue reading “Positive With Covid”

Summer Vibes

The academic year is almost over and it couldn’t come soon enough. I am feeling pretty exhausted. Although many people have plans to escape for the summer, I haven’t made any plans as such. The economic drudgery continues despite the balmy weather and that is a stark reality not many of us can pretend isContinue reading “Summer Vibes”

Boomerang Kids

Last week, my son returned home after his time away at university for three years. I can’t quite believe it’s been that long! It’s good to have him back even though we know the time we have together like this is borrowed time. Whilst I relish the fact that he is back home, I alsoContinue reading “Boomerang Kids”