The Denim Jacket

So what’s the big deal about a jacket? It’s only an item of clothing. Perhaps so but, for me, purchasing this addition to my wardrobe had a far greater significance than for most other people. Growing up, through my teens and beyond, the denim jacket was perceived as a symbol of rebellion. Whether this wasContinue reading “The Denim Jacket”

A Successful Son

We all have different perceptions of what a successful son might look like. For some, it’s about having raised a young man to stand on his own two feet financially. For others, it’s about academic achievements and yet for the rest, it may be about neither of those things necessarily but more about good characterContinue reading “A Successful Son”

Fight or Fight

No, this time it’s not a typo…although my writings are filled with them. Today, I am reflecting on several things at once but the one thing that dominates my mind is a message for women who, like me, are facing life alone at the head of a household. We don’t have the option to flyContinue reading “Fight or Fight”