Fight or Fight

No, this time it’s not a typo…although my writings are filled with them. Today, I am reflecting on several things at once but the one thing that dominates my mind is a message for women who, like me, are facing life alone at the head of a household. We don’t have the option to flyContinue reading “Fight or Fight”

Up, Up and Away

It might seem like a totally reckless thing to do but I am planning to escape for a short break to Iceland very soon. I am so tired of routine and the relentless pressure of managing money. I am determined to take control of it before it takes control of me. Therefore, although it mightContinue reading “Up, Up and Away”

How Happy is Mum?

The answer to that question lies with her kids. It’s true that a mother is only as happy as her saddest child. I guess that statement will always be a reliable gauge to my own happiness. And so, I have good days and bad days depending on how my own children are feeling. When theyContinue reading “How Happy is Mum?”

Too Old for New Friends?

A question I ask myself many times and always the answer would be ‘yes’. Why would I want to try to make new friends at this late stage of my life? How could two people possibly catch up on all the previously missed years of each other’s growing up, schooling, marriage, having kids etc etc.?Continue reading “Too Old for New Friends?”

Every Mother’s Need to be a Child

I believe that the ability to carry and deliver a child into this world is more of a physical one than anything else. For most women, we are predisposed to this ability given our physiological makeup. Yet, moving through the years, and beyond bringing a child into the world, the practical considerations of raising thatContinue reading “Every Mother’s Need to be a Child”

Time Out

There comes a point in one’s life when they need to pause and reflect on everything to date. To be honest, there should be many points when that happens. In those moments, we need to examine where we are heading with regards to our future ambitions. Whether these are to do with career moves, marriageContinue reading “Time Out”

The Definition of Success

This isn’t a lesson in how to use a dictionary in the English language. This is a lesson about life, or moreso a lesson to be taken from life. I had an interesting conversation recently with one of my nieces – a family member who obviously knows me well. Although I don’t remember the fineContinue reading “The Definition of Success”

Would I Have Changed Anything?

A question many people ask themselves in latter life. Looking back, in retrospect, I’m sure they would produce a litany of regrets which make them hanker for their youth all over again. I’ve learnt not to go down that dangerous path. Although life hasn’t been a walk in the park, it hasn’t all been jeopardyContinue reading “Would I Have Changed Anything?”

Home is Where…?

I return here today after a hiatus of two weeks. It’s been an interesting time away; I’ve managed to fulfil one of my life’s ambitions which is to be somewhere else in the world on behalf of a charity and helping those less fortunate than me and in desperate situations. My recent trip found meContinue reading “Home is Where…?”

A Leap of Faith

When two of my sons recently returned on their separate but consecutive trips abroad to see their father, the question that family and friends asked me was, “How do you keep calm?“ The truth is, I knew a time would come when my sons would voluntarily travel to visit their father. I have been bracingContinue reading “A Leap of Faith”