A Conspicuously Colourful Life

If there’s anything that imbues in me a sense of intoxicating glee, it has to be the occurrence of abundant colours especially in the natural world. Drinking in all those glorious hues is the best antidote to sadness. It never fails to cause a sense of rapture in my mind. It is the perfect medicineContinue reading “A Conspicuously Colourful Life”

My Sister’s Cat

It has been a tumultuous week. Shifu, the Master, my sister’s pet cat, who was a beautiful presence in our lives, has left this world forever. He had brought so much happiness in the lives of all those who’d met or known him. For that reason, he will never leave our hearts. He epitomised theContinue reading “My Sister’s Cat”

No Looking Back

Life can occassionally place you in a position where you may be tempted to return to a previous situation be it a job, relationship or something else. Just last week in my blog, I mentioned about the decision to quit my role as Trustee with a small charity I’d been working for. By pure coincidence,Continue reading “No Looking Back”

Blessings Are a Test Too

We all know the need to bear patience when things don’t go to plan.  Our plan.  How many times have we heard someone give that timeless advice to keep positive, understand that when things go seemingly wrong, it’s Allah’s way of testing us to remain calm?  We need to put our wholehearted trust in Him. Continue reading “Blessings Are a Test Too”

Patience For and With the Good

We all know the need to bear patience when things don’t go to plan.  Our plan.  How many times have we heard someone give that timeless advice to keep positive, understand that when things go seemingly wrong, it’s Allah’s way of testing us to remain calm?  We need to put our wholehearted trust in Him.Continue reading “Patience For and With the Good”