Ramadan Reparations 1445

Alhamdulillah, that I have been blessed to witness the arrival of Ramadan again. Many Muslims around the world wait excitedly for this auspicious month full of hope of all the goodness it will bring them in this world and the Hereafter. Whilst I join millions of others in that excitement, I admit there is aContinue reading “Ramadan Reparations 1445”

Two in One

Sometimes, we have those days where things just seem to be a series of strange coincidences or perhaps the working of fate. This week, (on Thursday to be precise), I had two encounters in one day with people who reminded me of my past life. The first of the two was a brief conversation withContinue reading “Two in One”

A Double-Edged Sword

One thing I hope never to do is to dissuade my own sons from the idea of marriage. Regardless of my own not seeing it to the end of time, there’s no need to be completely cynical about this institution as a whole. (Maybe the word ‘institution’ needs to be revamped. It has such negativeContinue reading “A Double-Edged Sword”

The Hypnosis of Iceland

Today’s submission to my personal blog site is a reflection on my short trip to Iceland with my niece and from which I have returned. Alhamdulillah, it was the perfect precursor to a new job which I am due to start tomorrow. Admittedly, I was a little anxious before going away given the financial strainContinue reading “The Hypnosis of Iceland”

Up, Up and Away

It might seem like a totally reckless thing to do but I am planning to escape for a short break to Iceland very soon. I am so tired of routine and the relentless pressure of managing money. I am determined to take control of it before it takes control of me. Therefore, although it mightContinue reading “Up, Up and Away”

Out of My Comfort Zone

It’s no secret that refusing to try something new is never going to allow us to develop as discerning people. Whether it’s cooking the same curry, driving the known route home or even wearing a limited style of clothes, repeating the same routine is going to limit our experiences of life and even perceptions ofContinue reading “Out of My Comfort Zone”

In My Child’s Eyes

The world I live in today is not the same one my children live in. How is that even possible? I would argue it’s all about perspective. My reasoning is this: I see the world sometimes from my desk at home where I work; I see the world sometimes from my kitchen window when I’mContinue reading “In My Child’s Eyes”

Motherhood on the Move: Lessons From a Modern-Day Urban Nomad

amaliah.com BY SABIA ALI IN LIFESTYLE ON 31ST MAY, 2022 Throughout my life, both as a child and later as a mother, I have lived across different continents, cultures and climates.  I am what I would call a ‘modern-day urban nomad’. For many, it would seem that a life of being constantly on the move – never having the chance toContinue reading “Motherhood on the Move: Lessons From a Modern-Day Urban Nomad”

Don’t Diss my Ability

It’s interesting how there are times when I come to write this blog, I am in need of inspiration. That doesn’t happen often, thankfully. It’s usually the case that an event or a passing conversation with someone will set my thoughts into motion which, in turn, transpire into sentences on the screen. I try notContinue reading “Don’t Diss my Ability”