My Sister’s Cat

It has been a tumultuous week. Shifu, the Master, my sister’s pet cat, who was a beautiful presence in our lives, has left this world forever. He had brought so much happiness in the lives of all those who’d met or known him. For that reason, he will never leave our hearts. He epitomised theContinue reading “My Sister’s Cat”

No Looking Back

Life can occassionally place you in a position where you may be tempted to return to a previous situation be it a job, relationship or something else. Just last week in my blog, I mentioned about the decision to quit my role as Trustee with a small charity I’d been working for. By pure coincidence,Continue reading “No Looking Back”

The Denim Jacket

So what’s the big deal about a jacket? It’s only an item of clothing. Perhaps so but, for me, purchasing this addition to my wardrobe had a far greater significance than for most other people. Growing up, through my teens and beyond, the denim jacket was perceived as a symbol of rebellion. Whether this wasContinue reading “The Denim Jacket”

Charity is All In the Mind

Asked what charity looks like and most probably people would say “giving money to the poor”. It would definitely be the most popular answer. Whilst that is very true, we know that charity can encompass so much more. Sometimes, it doesn’t even involve reaching deep into our pockets. But always, it should involve reaching deepContinue reading “Charity is All In the Mind”

The Company You Keep

Sometimes we all get a little distracted with life and its highs and lows – especially the lows. The stresses we face can force us unexpectedly and relentlessly down a twisting flume whilst we hang on desperately trying to catch our breath.  But even then, after all the twists and turns, we are more oftenContinue reading “The Company You Keep”

The Funny Thing about Laughter

Today, I want to express a few words regarding this ambiguous thing called ‘ a sense of humour’.  Not everyone has the same definition of it but, for the most part, I’m sure people would agree it’s about having the ability to laugh.  In doing so, we let go of stresses especially when there’s aContinue reading “The Funny Thing about Laughter”