Death as a Reminder to Live

A Stark Reminder of Our Journey

It’s a topic that has underlined several of my most recent posts. Not because I exist in a perpetual state of morbid mental paralysis but, rather, because I am increasingly aware of the limited nature of time. No doubt, I have lived the majority of my life. Whatever is left is now the lesser part of it.

This is the impetus to squeeze what I can out of time more than ever before. Whilst my health remains relatively normal, I have endeavoured to start – and maintain – some small yet consistent changes in my daily routine. Alhamdulillah, the first couple of things on the list are better/regular contact with the Quran and extra ibadah (acts of worship). I don’t want the good habits of Ramadan to be lost completely. To be in a constant form of communication with my Creator is to live a better quality of life. It’s a very personal journey but one which I hope manifests in the way I deal with my lot overall.

No Turning Back

I’ve also returned to a healthier lifestyle having incorporated exercise and calorie counting again into my regime after a lapse in focus for a period of time. It’s not that I have regressed to my former weight and any progress has been lost. Alhamdulillah, that hasn’t happened and insha’Allah it never will. Nowadays, I don’t see my lifestyle choices, in terms of food and exercise, as a labourious chore. My attitude has simply changed. I actually enjoy the new outlook. That’s mainly because I have already experienced the joy of seeing a difference both in terms of how I look and definitely in terms of how I feel. The so-called ‘happy hormones’ have kicked in and I hope they will be here to stay for a long time still. The underlying rationale that has sustained my mission in this area of my life is that choosing to live this way will enable me to be mentally and physically well-equipped for even older age, insha’Allah. Although nobody can guarantee a foolproof lifestyle in preparation for old age, we can only try.

Linked to this mindset is the idea that for as long as I can, I pray to live independently. I don’t wish to become a burden on any of my sons and although they promise to look after me in whatever way that necessitates, the reality is that even they will tire of the arduous task of helping me get about in my daily life. I would rather live a shorter and fully independent life than to live longer and be incapacitated. Therefore, every day that I am blessed with my health, is a day I have to make count. Even when I go for a walk, as I did today, I feel blessed that it is Allah who has granted me the ability to do so unaided and appreciate the world outside in the process. How many people would love to have that ability to move independently?

My mission moving forward is to be better prepared for the journey of my soul after I leave this earthly realm. The preparation process has already started and it must only grow and become stronger. I hope every pursuit I make in this life can be justified with this kind of connection to make it worthwhile. If I hold myself accountable and true to that thinking, then there is nothing to lament about the ephemeral nature of this duniya (world). The significance of our actions will only become more apparent on the the other side and I pray that the good actions will always outweigh the bad.

A Healthy Balance

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