Money Matters

I wonder how many people would read this blog title and see the word ‘matters’ as a verb rather than its intended meaning as a noun. It makes all the difference and would influence someone’s perspective of me. If read as a verb, I suddenly become this greedy person fixated on making money to satiateContinue reading “Money Matters”

Let There Be Dust

I have come to the resolution that I don’t have time to be fussing about all the nooks and crannies around my home that could do with a sprucing up. There are the everyday things that need to be tackled such as vacuuming the rugs or washing dishes or cleaning toilets. None of them areContinue reading “Let There Be Dust”

Death as a Reminder to Live

It’s a topic that has underlined several of my most recent posts. Not because I exist in a perpetual state of morbid mental paralysis but, rather, because I am increasingly aware of the limited nature of time. No doubt, I have lived the majority of my life. Whatever is left is now the lesser partContinue reading “Death as a Reminder to Live”

Backward and Forward

I’m at that stage of life where I find my emotions oscillating between a curious mixture of hopeful excitement for my own sons vis-a-vis quiet acceptance of my own uneventful future. Of course, I know that hope and excitement isn’t the exclusive rights of the younger generation. Those in my age group have every rightContinue reading “Backward and Forward”

The Secret of Anti-Ageing

It is a fact that with age comes all the physical and visible signs of maturity. There’s no escaping them even with the subscriptions to the best vitamin supplements and the best names in make-up. It’s a process which is master over us and is a losing battle. That being said, it’s not all doomContinue reading “The Secret of Anti-Ageing”