Death as a Reminder to Live

It’s a topic that has underlined several of my most recent posts. Not because I exist in a perpetual state of morbid mental paralysis but, rather, because I am increasingly aware of the limited nature of time. No doubt, I have lived the majority of my life. Whatever is left is now the lesser partContinue reading “Death as a Reminder to Live”

Taking it Slow

Recently, I have been under the weather and have been blighted with a lingering chesty cough since mid-January. I even needed to take a few days off work which is something I don’t usually do. So, this bout of sickness has really taken the wind out of my sails. Although I was not confined to myContinue reading “Taking it Slow”

The Secret of Anti-Ageing

It is a fact that with age comes all the physical and visible signs of maturity. There’s no escaping them even with the subscriptions to the best vitamin supplements and the best names in make-up. It’s a process which is master over us and is a losing battle. That being said, it’s not all doomContinue reading “The Secret of Anti-Ageing”

Health (& Humility) = Wealth

We all know too well that when we are not feeling at our finest, in terms of physical health, everything else pales into insignificance.  All the intangible aspects of our being, our pride, our social status, our academic learning etc., suddenly seem so inconsequential when faced with physical challenges that inhibit our very existence. ToContinue reading “Health (& Humility) = Wealth”