Let There Be Dust

I have come to the resolution that I don’t have time to be fussing about all the nooks and crannies around my home that could do with a sprucing up. There are the everyday things that need to be tackled such as vacuuming the rugs or washing dishes or cleaning toilets. None of them areContinue reading “Let There Be Dust”

Taking it Slow

Recently, I have been under the weather and have been blighted with a lingering chesty cough since mid-January. I even needed to take a few days off work which is something I don’t usually do. So, this bout of sickness has really taken the wind out of my sails. Although I was not confined to myContinue reading “Taking it Slow”

No Looking Back

Life can occassionally place you in a position where you may be tempted to return to a previous situation be it a job, relationship or something else. Just last week in my blog, I mentioned about the decision to quit my role as Trustee with a small charity I’d been working for. By pure coincidence,Continue reading “No Looking Back”

Time for Change

Not sure what has come over me but I have been feeling a little restless lately. I need a new project to get involved in – something that will give me a higher purpose other than just going to work and coming home. A few months ago, my tenure as a Trustee for the charityContinue reading “Time for Change”

Two in One

Sometimes, we have those days where things just seem to be a series of strange coincidences or perhaps the working of fate. This week, (on Thursday to be precise), I had two encounters in one day with people who reminded me of my past life. The first of the two was a brief conversation withContinue reading “Two in One”

Where Next?

I don’t own my own house. For that reason, I have no real incentive to invest too heavily in it. I am particular about keeping it presentable, clean and tidy but my interest in doing anything more than that is minimal. At this stage of my life too, I no longer derive any real pleasureContinue reading “Where Next?”

A Year Off

Wouldn’t that be something? To have the luxury of signing out of reality and swan off into the sunset and just do me! Unfortunately, not many of us can afford to live in reverie except in our dreams and so the monotony of routine has to be maintained… As much as I wouldn’t want toContinue reading “A Year Off”

From Periphery to Centre

This week’s post isn’t a lesson in geometry. But it has everything to do with how, as a mother, I have lived alongside my children in concentric circles. Where till now their priorities took precedence over my own, these days my goals have moved closer to the centre and my sons’ goals have had toContinue reading “From Periphery to Centre”

A Successful Son

We all have different perceptions of what a successful son might look like. For some, it’s about having raised a young man to stand on his own two feet financially. For others, it’s about academic achievements and yet for the rest, it may be about neither of those things necessarily but more about good characterContinue reading “A Successful Son”

A Week of Work

This is an appropriate time to reflect and assess how I got on this past week in my new part-time job. One thing I promised myself was that work was not going to consume my life. So far, so good. Being a part-time role, I know that is a huge factor in allowing me toContinue reading “A Week of Work”