Welcoming in Spring

This winter has perhaps been the longest I have ever experienced. I know I’m not alone in that thought as several others have also mentioned how, for some inexplicable reason, winter has dragged her feet this time round. During this cold season, I succumbed to sickness, which for me is quite unusual, Alhamdulillah. It’s beenContinue reading “Welcoming in Spring”

The Hypnosis of Iceland

Today’s submission to my personal blog site is a reflection on my short trip to Iceland with my niece and from which I have returned. Alhamdulillah, it was the perfect precursor to a new job which I am due to start tomorrow. Admittedly, I was a little anxious before going away given the financial strainContinue reading “The Hypnosis of Iceland”

Walks and Worship

This Ramadan, as I try to learn more about my relationship with Allah, so I find that I am learning more about myself. I have tried to make this not a month of rituals only and of no substance, that is, I want to internalise and reflect on words I hear or read about AllahContinue reading “Walks and Worship”

The Best Things in Life are Three..

Who would deny that the simplest things in life are the best?  We spend the better part of our lives vying for this and that, be it a job, a house, a car and a myriad of other material things.  Age does give the benefit of hindsight and a wisdom that cannot be gained fromContinue reading “The Best Things in Life are Three..”