Money Matters

I wonder how many people would read this blog title and see the word ‘matters’ as a verb rather than its intended meaning as a noun. It makes all the difference and would influence someone’s perspective of me. If read as a verb, I suddenly become this greedy person fixated on making money to satiateContinue reading “Money Matters”

Let There Be Dust

I have come to the resolution that I don’t have time to be fussing about all the nooks and crannies around my home that could do with a sprucing up. There are the everyday things that need to be tackled such as vacuuming the rugs or washing dishes or cleaning toilets. None of them areContinue reading “Let There Be Dust”

A Conspicuously Colourful Life

If there’s anything that imbues in me a sense of intoxicating glee, it has to be the occurrence of abundant colours especially in the natural world. Drinking in all those glorious hues is the best antidote to sadness. It never fails to cause a sense of rapture in my mind. It is the perfect medicineContinue reading “A Conspicuously Colourful Life”

Mi Nueva Aventura

In the quest to keep moving forward and try to squeeze what I can out of life, I have very recently taken on a new challenge. The title of this blog post might provide a huge hint! My new adventure – learning Spanish. I never got the opportunity to study a foreign language at school as,Continue reading “Mi Nueva Aventura”

Keeping Promises

If there’s anything which I find unattractive in a person, is when they make a promise which they have no real intention of honouring or have not thought through carefully before opening their mouth. One of my mottos in life is to never make a promise I know is very unlikely to be fulfilled. IContinue reading “Keeping Promises”

Where Next?

I don’t own my own house. For that reason, I have no real incentive to invest too heavily in it. I am particular about keeping it presentable, clean and tidy but my interest in doing anything more than that is minimal. At this stage of my life too, I no longer derive any real pleasureContinue reading “Where Next?”

Travel Light

The only luggage we need to take with us as we exit this world is a stack of good deeds. Everything else is superfluous. That’s why I no longer aspire to update my material wealth. I no longer covet the next best version of my phone or car. I have reconciled myself to aspiring toContinue reading “Travel Light”

Escape to the Country

Perhaps one of the surest signs of getting older is when you realise you would prefer a rural retreat over a city scene. Whilst I’ve always felt both those scenarios as magnetic pulls, the idea of leaving behind noise, traffic, buildings, the internet and people, is something that appeals to me more and more. InContinue reading “Escape to the Country”

The Hypnosis of Iceland

Today’s submission to my personal blog site is a reflection on my short trip to Iceland with my niece and from which I have returned. Alhamdulillah, it was the perfect precursor to a new job which I am due to start tomorrow. Admittedly, I was a little anxious before going away given the financial strainContinue reading “The Hypnosis of Iceland”

Up, Up and Away

It might seem like a totally reckless thing to do but I am planning to escape for a short break to Iceland very soon. I am so tired of routine and the relentless pressure of managing money. I am determined to take control of it before it takes control of me. Therefore, although it mightContinue reading “Up, Up and Away”