Ramadan Reflections

Whilst immersing myself in the spirit of Ramadan, I decided to take a break from my blog. Though many thoughts came to my mind in that blessed month, which I wanted to make a note of, I decided to focus on working on ways to capitalise on the finite time endowed to me to earnContinue reading “Ramadan Reflections”

Just Below the Surface

In Ramadan, we are well-acquainted with the advice to keep negative thoughts and actions well at bay. Given the heightened spiritual ambience that this month brings into our homes and hearts, for the most part, it is a much easier thing to do than in times outside of Ramadan. However….. I cannot feign perfection. ThereContinue reading “Just Below the Surface”

A Worthy Weariness

It’s a well known fact that fasting and the associated routine of extended prayers and extra ibadah (worship) begins to take its toll at some point during Ramadan. As much as a Muslim would love to retire to the comfort of a bed and slip into a deep slumber, there is simultaneously, an overwhelming desireContinue reading “A Worthy Weariness”

To Give is To Receive

A message which can never be overstated. Despite the financial struggles many of us are facing, the principle of giving should always continue….and before anyone secretly, or openly, thinks I must have lost my mind at a time when we are all thinking of protecting the self, I would like to qualify my statement. YouContinue reading “To Give is To Receive”

A Leap of Faith

When two of my sons recently returned on their separate but consecutive trips abroad to see their father, the question that family and friends asked me was, “How do you keep calm?“ The truth is, I knew a time would come when my sons would voluntarily travel to visit their father. I have been bracingContinue reading “A Leap of Faith”

Wise Counsel

With a title like that, one would be forgiven for thinking of a few examples of people who would fall into that esteemed category: mother, father, grandparents, teachers, religious figures and perhaps older people generally. However, I want to challenge that preconception and argue that wise counsel might also be found in the places weContinue reading “Wise Counsel”

Goodbye Ramadan

The month of Ramadan has flown by. Today, Muslims will bid farewell to this beautiful time and yet set our sights on another meeting next year, inshaAllah. In the meantime, we hope we have reaped plenty of rewards during the month; we also hope the lessons learned will carry us through to the rest ofContinue reading “Goodbye Ramadan”

Walks and Worship

This Ramadan, as I try to learn more about my relationship with Allah, so I find that I am learning more about myself. I have tried to make this not a month of rituals only and of no substance, that is, I want to internalise and reflect on words I hear or read about AllahContinue reading “Walks and Worship”

Ramadan Resolutions

Alhamdulillah, we are halfway through Ramadan. It has gone by quickly. Even more surprisingly, it has gone by almost effortlessly, Alhamdulillah. This year, like many others, I have not felt the physical toll of fasting. My own theory is that it’s because I have learnt to be distracted with other things such as the dailyContinue reading “Ramadan Resolutions”