Hubris Miasma

To all absentee parents out there.. How do you do it? How do you manage to swan off and live your selfish dreams without compunction? How do you live in material and emotional comfort knowing you have abandoned a past life? How does your conscience rest easy knowing you took care of yourself without lookingContinue reading “Hubris Miasma”

Let There Be Dust

I have come to the resolution that I don’t have time to be fussing about all the nooks and crannies around my home that could do with a sprucing up. There are the everyday things that need to be tackled such as vacuuming the rugs or washing dishes or cleaning toilets. None of them areContinue reading “Let There Be Dust”

My Sister’s Cat

It has been a tumultuous week. Shifu, the Master, my sister’s pet cat, who was a beautiful presence in our lives, has left this world forever. He had brought so much happiness in the lives of all those who’d met or known him. For that reason, he will never leave our hearts. He epitomised theContinue reading “My Sister’s Cat”

The Best Things in Life are Three..

Who would deny that the simplest things in life are the best?  We spend the better part of our lives vying for this and that, be it a job, a house, a car and a myriad of other material things.  Age does give the benefit of hindsight and a wisdom that cannot be gained fromContinue reading “The Best Things in Life are Three..”