Ramadan Reparations 1445

Alhamdulillah, that I have been blessed to witness the arrival of Ramadan again. Many Muslims around the world wait excitedly for this auspicious month full of hope of all the goodness it will bring them in this world and the Hereafter. Whilst I join millions of others in that excitement, I admit there is aContinue reading “Ramadan Reparations 1445”

No Looking Back

Life can occassionally place you in a position where you may be tempted to return to a previous situation be it a job, relationship or something else. Just last week in my blog, I mentioned about the decision to quit my role as Trustee with a small charity I’d been working for. By pure coincidence,Continue reading “No Looking Back”

Time for Change

Not sure what has come over me but I have been feeling a little restless lately. I need a new project to get involved in – something that will give me a higher purpose other than just going to work and coming home. A few months ago, my tenure as a Trustee for the charityContinue reading “Time for Change”

Standing Up for Justice

Remaining silent in a time when injustice is endemic around us is not something I think any normal person would tolerate. Right now, in the world there is a lot of injustice prevalent on a global scale, societal scale and individual scale too. Usually, when someone has been directly impacted because of an unjust decision,Continue reading “Standing Up for Justice”

Two in One

Sometimes, we have those days where things just seem to be a series of strange coincidences or perhaps the working of fate. This week, (on Thursday to be precise), I had two encounters in one day with people who reminded me of my past life. The first of the two was a brief conversation withContinue reading “Two in One”

Where Next?

I don’t own my own house. For that reason, I have no real incentive to invest too heavily in it. I am particular about keeping it presentable, clean and tidy but my interest in doing anything more than that is minimal. At this stage of my life too, I no longer derive any real pleasureContinue reading “Where Next?”

Charity is All In the Mind

Asked what charity looks like and most probably people would say “giving money to the poor”. It would definitely be the most popular answer. Whilst that is very true, we know that charity can encompass so much more. Sometimes, it doesn’t even involve reaching deep into our pockets. But always, it should involve reaching deepContinue reading “Charity is All In the Mind”

Home is Where…?

I return here today after a hiatus of two weeks. It’s been an interesting time away; I’ve managed to fulfil one of my life’s ambitions which is to be somewhere else in the world on behalf of a charity and helping those less fortunate than me and in desperate situations. My recent trip found meContinue reading “Home is Where…?”

Out of My Comfort Zone

It’s no secret that refusing to try something new is never going to allow us to develop as discerning people. Whether it’s cooking the same curry, driving the known route home or even wearing a limited style of clothes, repeating the same routine is going to limit our experiences of life and even perceptions ofContinue reading “Out of My Comfort Zone”

The Future in Focus

Last week, I wrote about my attempts not to lapse into an emotional quagmire of the past. In a conscious effort to avoid that, this week I have busied myself in other things. The first of those is a full focus on my own ‘children’.  I use that word ‘children’ in its loose sense sinceContinue reading “The Future in Focus”